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Financial Services and General Government

Congressionally Directed Spending – Fiscal Year 2023

Listed below are the Financial Services and General Government projects Senator Blumenthal has submitted to the Senate Appropriations Committee. The Senate Appropriations Committee selects the final projects from the projects submitted by all senators. Therefore, neither submission of an application nor Senator Blumenthal’s approved list of projects are guaranteed for final funding.

Projects are listed in alphabetical order. 

Connecticut Historical Society - Hartford, CT

  • Amount Requested: $1,000,000
  • Funding would enable tens of thousands of records from the American Revolution to be digitized and made publicly available.
  • Click HERE to read the required certification letter.

Connecticut Resource Conservation & Development - Haddam, CT 

  • Amount Requested: $550,000
  • Funding would create a Connecticut Veteran Farmer Educational Resource Hub and develop a Connecticut Veteran Farmer Grown marketing campaign.
  • Click HERE to read the required certification letter.

CLiCK Inc. - Windham, CT

  • Amount Requested: $400,400
  • Funding awarded for this project would be used to conduct renovations on the building and parking lot of CLiCK Willimantic Food Hub.
  • Click HERE to read the required certification letter.

Town of Stonington - Stonington, CT

  • Amount Requested: $900,000
  • Funding awarded for this project would be used to make improvements to the municipally-owned Stonington Town Dock.
  • Click HERE to read the required certification letter.

Women’s Business Development Council - Stamford, CT

  • Amount Requested: $2,000,000
  • Funding awarded for this project would be used to open new Women Business Development Council offices in key communities across the state.
  • Click HERE to read the required certification letter.