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Commerce, Justice,
& Related Agencies Projects

Congressionally Directed Spending – Fiscal Year 2022

Listed below are the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies projects Senator Blumenthal has submitted to the Senate Appropriations Committee. The Senate Appropriations Committee selects the final projects from the projects submitted by all senators. Therefore, neither submission of an application nor Senator Blumenthal’s approved list of projects are guaranteed for final funding.

Projects are listed in alphabetical order. 

City of Hartford - Hartford, CT

  • Amount Request: $1,398,686
  • This project will provide funding for the City of Hartford’s Youth Violence Prevention and Intervention program.
  • Click HERE to read the required certification letter. 

City of New Haven - New Haven, CT

  • Amount Request: $2,000,000
  • This project will help fund New Haven’s Community Crisis Response Team.
  • Click HERE to read the required certification letter. 

City of Norwich - Norwich, CT

  • Amount Request: $700,000
  • This project will help Norwich’s Emergency Dispatch Center.
  • Click HERE to read the required certification letter. 

Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science - West Haven, CT

  • Amount Request: $120,000
  • This project will fund training for law enforcement into hate crimes and shooting investigations, including use of latest technologies to recognize, evaluate and document, collect and preserve physical evidence, and use of latest techniques applied to forensic analysis and interpretation.
  • Click HERE to read the required certification letter.

The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk - Norwalk, CT

  • Amount Requested: $569,000
  • This project will establish a trap removal program to mitigate the ecological and economic harms of derelict traps on commercial and recreational fishers and coastal and marine habitats across the Long Island Sound.
  • Click HERE to read the required certification letter.  

Milford Lab at Northeast Fisheries Science Center - Milford, CT

  • Amount Requested: $1,300,000
  • This project will upgrade facilities for shellfish aquaculture research at Northeast Fisheries Science Center.
  • Click HERE to read the required certification letter.  

Town of Fairfield - Fairfield, CT

  • Amount Request: $3,500,000
  • This project will help fund the Town of Fairfield’s “FERN” (Fairfield Emergency Radio Network).
  • Click HERE to read the required certification letter. 

Town of North Branford - North Branford, CT

  • Amount Request: $750,000
  • This project will provide funding for North Branford’s Enhancements to Public Safety Communications System.
  • Click HERE to read the required certification letter.   

Town of Simsbury - Simsbury, CT

  • Amount Request: $70,000
  • This project will provide Simsbury law enforcement with technology.
  • Click HERE to read the required certification letter.  

Town of Wilton - Wilton, CT

  • Amount Request: $2,300,000
  • This project will provide funding for the Town of Wilton’s Public Safety Communications System.
  • Click HERE to read the required certification letter. 

University of Connecticut - Storrs, CT

  • Amount Requested: $2,000,000
  • This project will provide funding to support the creation of an Ecological Modeling Institute at the University of Connecticut.
  • Click HERE to read the required certification letter.