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Time Change: Blumenthal, Johnson Announce Witnesses to Appear at Hearing on Boeing's Broken Safety Culture

[WASHINGTON, DC] – Today, U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI) Chairman Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Ranking Member Ron Johnson (R-WI) announced that the following witnesses will appear at a hearing, Examining Boeing’s Broken Safety Culture: Firsthand Accounts, at 11:15 AM on April 17, 2024:

·       Sam Salehpour, current Quality Engineer at Boeing;

·       Ed Pierson, Executive Director of the Foundation for Aviation Safety and a former Boeing engineer;

·       Joe Jacobsen, Aerospace Engineer and Technical Advisor to the Foundation for Aviation Safety and a former FAA engineer; and

·       Shawn Pruchnicki, PhD, Professional Practice Assistant Professor, Integrated Systems Engineering at the Ohio State University.

The hearing will be available on livestream here.
