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Senator Blumenthal Statement on 10th Anniversary of September 11th

(New York, NY) – Senator Richard Blumenthal today released the following statement after attending the National 9/11 Memorial Service at Ground Zero in New York:

"The 9/11 Memorial and remembrance ceremony are powerful beyond words - a haunting, beautiful tribute to the Americans we lost and the loved ones they left behind. This morning's profoundly moving ceremony - so filled with grace and love and patriotism - should make us prouder than ever to be Americans. The voices of children who lost parents and faces of family members recalling lost loved ones are sights and sounds I will never forget. Today reminds us of our boundless gratitude to our courageous firefighters, police, and emergency first responders - and to the men and women serving and sacrificing in uniform, at home and abroad, in the continuing struggle to keep America safe and free."

