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Senator Blumenthal Applauds Guidelines That Require Full Preventive Health Care Services for Women, Eliminate Gender Disparities

(Washington, DC) – Senator Richard Blumenthal today released a statement following the announcement by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that health insurance plans must include full preventative services such as wellness check-ups, cancer screenings, and contraception to women with no co-payments or other additional costs. The rule was made possible by the powers that HHS was given through passage of the Affordable Care Act.

“These guidelines will save countless dollars and lives – and send a hugely powerful and historic message about the importance of women’s preventative health care. The requirement of insurance plans to cover all preventative care for women at no additional cost – including contraception and cancer screenings – is an important step toward instituting fairness and equality in our health care system. Long overdue, they will assure healthier families and safe pregnancies for women in Connecticut and across the country.”
