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Senate Passes Resolution Calling for Free and Fair Elections in Iran

(WASHINGTON) – Senator John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) released the following statements today after the Senate passed their resolution, S. Res. 386, which calls on the government of Iran to respect universal human rights and hold free, fair and open elections that meet international standards. The resolution comes following a history of corrupt elections and repression in the Iranian electoral system, including in the nation’s most recent elections, which were held on March 2.

“The Senate’s support of this resolution sends a strong and clear message to the oppressive Iranian regime. The eyes of the world are watching,” said Senator Hoeven. “We want to deter the Iranian regime’s nuclear ambitions through tough sanctions, but we also want to affirm our support for the democratic aspirations and universal human rights of the Iranian people.” 

“Despite its supposed commitment to democratic elections, the Iranian regime continues to suppress opposition to its current leadership with systemic repression, violence and human rights abuses. This resolution, calling for elections that are inclusive and consistent with international standards, tells  the Iranian people that the United States is standing with them and shares their desire for truly democratic elections,” said Senator Blumenthal. 

“The Senate declared today that America stands with the Iranian people in their struggle for freedom.  As we work to stop the nuclear ambitions of the Iranian regime, we are in strong solidarity with the Iranian people’s aspiration for fundamental democratic rights and that includes free and fair elections,” said Senator Lieberman.

“The world has not forgotten how the Iranian regime hijacked the 2009 elections or the high price the Iranian people paid for protesting against their oppressive actions.  Fearful of a truly democratic process, Iranian thugs have already launched a brutal crackdown on anyone deemed a threat.  Our resolution is a strong statement by the United States Senate that we stand in solidarity with the Iranian people in their demands for free and fair elections.  I hope it will be of some comfort to the people of Iran to know we are watching and we are on their side,” said Senator Graham.
