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Photos of Blumenthal, Graham, & Warren's Trip to Ukraine

[KYIV, UKRAINE] – U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) met with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and top officials during a visit to Kyiv, Ukraine on August 23. 

Senators Blumenthal, Graham, & Warren Visit Ukraine

Senators Blumenthal, Graham, & Warren Visit Ukraine


Senators Blumenthal, Graham, & Warren Visit Ukraine


Senators Blumenthal, Graham, & Warren Visit Ukraine

Blumenthal, Graham, & Warren Visit Ukraine.


Blumenthal, Graham, & Warren Visit Ukraine.

Blumenthal, Graham, & Warren Visit Ukraine.

Blumenthal, Graham, & Warren Visit Ukraine.Blumenthal, Graham, & Warren Visit Ukraine.