WASHINGTON, DC – Senators Joe Lieberman and Richard Blumenthal and Congressman Joe Courtney – members of the Senate and House Armed Services Committees, respectively – today released the following statement after Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta indicated that the President would request a new round of military Base Realignment and Closures (BRAC):
“There is sweeping bipartisan opposition to another round of BRAC at this time. Given that the process requires Congressional approval just to get off the ground, the proposal is dead on arrival. According to a 2009 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, the last BRAC round, which was completed in 2005, cost an ‘unprecedented’ $35 billion to implement – billions more than it is projected to save in the long run. Typically, the actual savings from BRAC come long after the costs of implementation; another round would do nothing to help the Pentagon hit the targets outlined in the Budget Control Act.
“As such, we will strongly oppose this misguided proposal as Congress debates the FY2013 defense budget
“As a delegation, since 2007, we have secured more than $80 million in new military construction SUBASE New London, shoring up its infrastructure and value to the Navy and our submarine fleet. We will continue to work with the Navy and community and base leaders to strengthen SUBASE and secure its future.”
Since 2007, Lieberman and Courtney have secured approximately $85 million in new military construction projects at the base. This total includes: $9.3 million for a Submarine Learning Center, $11.9 million for a Waterfront Operations Center, $11 million for a new indoor firing range, $46 million to replace Pier 32 on the waterfront, and $6.6 million for a new MK-49 Torpedo Magazine. Further, the 2011 Military Construction appropriations bill included $12.93 million for the relocation of the Submarine Group Headquarters building, moving the command closer to the waterfront operations it oversees.