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Lieberman And Blumenthal Statement On Administration’s Storm Supplemental Aid Request

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Senators Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) released the following statement on the Obama Administration’s supplemental aid request to Congress for states affected by Superstorm Sandy:

"We thank President Obama and Secretary Donovan for working with Governor Malloy and our congressional delegation.  The Obama Administration's $60.4 billion aid request for states affected by Superstorm Sandy is a significant first step towards helping devastated communities across Connecticut rebuild and recover.  We want to compliment the Obama Administration for its quick and decisive response. President Obama and Secretary Donovan have worked closely with Governor Malloy to determine where the state's needs may be, and how the federal government can help. 

"With stronger storms striking more often, Connecticut will benefit from the White House's commitment to mitigation activities, across a range of agencies, that can help prevent some of the damage we saw from Superstorm Sandy.  The storm is the fourth major disaster for the state of Connecticut in the past 19 months. We will work with our colleagues in New York and New Jersey to move this package as expeditiously as possible."

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