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Following Blumenthal, Durbin’s Request, FDA Warns Manufacturers to Cease Production of Supplements Containing Designer Stimulant DMBA

In October 2014, Blumenthal and Durbin urged the FDA to inspect all products on the market containing the designer, unapproved, and untested stimulant DMBA

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senators Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) welcomed the Food and Drugs Administration’s (FDA) issuance of warning letters to 14 companies that manufacture products containing 1,3-Dimethylbutylamine (DMBA) and falsely identify DMBA as a dietary ingredient. The FDA stated that the manufacturers must take action to make products with DMBA compliant with current law, or they must immediately cease distribution of these products.

After unacceptable delay, the FDA has finally heeded our call and taken steps to get this dangerous, mislabeled supplement off the shelves,” said Senators Blumenthal and Durbin. “Consumers deserve to know what ingredients are in the products they’re taking and it is unacceptable that the health risks associated with supplements containing DMBA have been hidden for so long. The FDA was right to take action and demand these dangerous products be removed from shelves.”

Following a study released last year where researchers found DMBA in 12 of 14 supplements that claimed to improve athletic performance, increase weight loss, or enhance brain function, Durbin and Blumenthal wrote to the FDA calling for immediate action to be taken.