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Delegation Announces More Than $3 Million In Grants For Connecticut Infrastructure

Washington – Today, members of the Connecticut delegation announced $3,136,724 in grants to fund six transportation projects throughout Connecticut.  Awarded through the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration, this funding will improve roadway safety, maintain Connecticut’s roads and bridges, preserve historic landmarks, and make communities more livable.

“The funding announced today will make a significant difference across Connecticut by putting people to work improving the transportation systems in every corner of the state.  I am pleased to see funding go to Cornwall’s picturesque covered bridge as well as the Rocky Hill-Glastonbury ferry, the nation's oldest continuously operating ferry service, both of which are invaluable assets that we must continue to protect for future generations,” said Lieberman said. “In addition, I am particularly gratified that Secretary LaHood funded two TCSP grants that I spoke with him about: improvements to Torrington’s downtown, and replacement of a bridge over the Mill River in Stamford.  I am hopeful that with these grants, Torrington and Stamford will continue the impressive efforts to reconnect their communities through improvements to their transportation networks.”

“These grants will mean updated and upgraded public facilities – improved access to economic centers, and better transit – throughout the state,” said Senator Blumenthal.  “Meaningful investment in Connecticut’s streets and streetscapes, and all transportation, is important to our state’s job market and economy. I am pleased to see strong support from the Federal Highway Administration for Connecticut’s economic development and jobs through these grants.”

"Good roads and bridges are critical for a good economy, so I'm glad to see these federal funds going to help keep Connecticut strong," said Congressman John Larson.  "I look forward to seeing people at work around the state to make these projects happen, and people at work for years to come using these roads to Make It In America."  

“The funding secured by the Town of Mansfield will bolster the UConn and ECSU communities and provide an outdoor recreation area that all of Connecticut can enjoy,” said Congressman Courtney, who sent a letter supporting the Mansfield project to Transportation Secretary LaHood. “With this competitive funding, the Town will be able to connect existing parcels with trails to Mansfield Hollow, and complete a recreational plan outlined in the Plan of Conservation and Development.”

“Investing in our transportation infrastructure is about more than simply just moving goods and people across the state – it’s about making sure that we not only build just roads and highways, but accessible communities that people want to live and raise their families in,” said Congressman Murphy. “These grants are a small down payment on that vision for the state, and I’m glad we were able to play some small role in making them a reality.”

“With bridges in disrepair and thousands of construction workers out of jobs, this is the right funding at the right time to both put people back to work and keep travelers and pedestrians safe,” Himes said.  “As we work to reorder federal spending, we need to prioritize investment like this that creates jobs in the short term while fulfilling our long-term transportation and infrastructure needs.”

The following institutions and projects will receive grants:

  • $850,000 to the City of Stamford through the Transportation, Community, and System Preservation Program (TCSP) for the replacement of the West Main Street Bridge over the Mill River, which will enhance pedestrian access to Downtown Stamford
  • $500,000 to the City of Torrington through TCSP for improvements and streetscape enhancements to Torrington’s Main Street and downtown
  • $325,000 to the Town of Mansfield to provide new transit access to Mansfield Hollow Lake
  • $788,724 to Connecticut Department of Transportation  to improve the terminal facilities for the Rocky Hill-Glastonbury Ferry, the oldest continuously operating ferry in the nation
  • $400,000 to Connecticut Department of Transportation  to use innovative bridge construction techniques to replace a bridge over the Saugatuck River in Weston
  • $300,000 to  Connecticut Department of Transportation  to rehabilitate and preserve the Cornwall Covered Bridge through the National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation Program

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