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Connecticut Delegation Issues Statement On Presidential Citizens Medal To Be Awarded To Newtown Educators

(Hartford, CT) – Today, the Connecticut Delegation issued a statement in response to the White House’s recent announcement that the Presidential Citizens Medal will be awarded posthumously to the six educators who were killed in the Newtown massacre. In December, the delegation sent a letter to President Obama requesting that he recognize some of the heroes “whose efforts saved lives on that dark day.” 

“We cannot think of six Connecticut residents who are more deserving of this high honor. These extraordinary educators sacrificed their lives to protect their students and gave new meaning to the definition of public service. All of America has been inspired by their strength, bravery, and caring,” the delegation said. “We look forward to joining the families of these courageous educators next week at a White House ceremony where the President will posthumously honor them with the Presidential Citizens Medal. And we hope that their legacies inspire change.”

Background on the Presidential Citizens Medal can be found here: