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Blumenthal Votes Against Republican Budget That Hurts Middle Class Families, Cuts Critical Programs

Republican budget increases the burden on America’s middle class while allowing more tax breaks for the nation’s wealthiest and cuts crucial programs like workforce training, infrastructure investments, Pell Grants, and Head-Start

(Washington, DC) - In advance of his vote against the Republican budget, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) spoke on the Senate floor about the resolution that hurts the middle class while providing more tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans.

Our country desperately needs investment in middle-class financial security and all that goes along with it: job creation, infrastructure, education funding, clean energy research, and more. In addition, Congress must protect Social Security, Medicare, and the safety net programs for the most vulnerable members of society,” said Blumenthal.

Even though middle-class incomes have flatlined, the Republican budget sets out a path towards cutting programs that support middle-class families to allow for further enormous tax cuts for millionaires and large corporations.”

This budget proposal would also pull the rug out from under a wide variety of important programs that middle-class families rely on, such as early education programs, food safety inspections, law enforcement, child care, and environmental conservation.

I strongly believe in supporting a middle class budget that helps hardworking Americans instead of hurting them – that strengthens our vital federal programs instead of weakening them. Americans deserve a budget that paves the way to create jobs, raise pay, protect seniors and working families, help pay for college, shore up our roads and bridges, and more.”

Video of Blumenthal’s remarks can be viewed here.