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Blumenthal visits Israel, Jordan & Lebanon

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, traveled to Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon where he met with foreign leaders to discuss U.S. national security interests and the risk of a growing regional conflict in the Middle East. Blumenthal was joined by U.S. Senator Christopher Coons (D-DE).

“I visited three key countries at a time of unparalleled peril and promise. Top leaders in each— Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon— fear a wider war resulting from malign Iranian proxies or miscalculation. But they also foresee possible breakthroughs for peace coming from negotiations,” said Blumenthal. “I emphasized in Israel my support for its fight to dismantle Hamas but also the importance of seeking a significant pause in fighting that would enable return of hostages and expanded humanitarian aid. I am more hopeful that negotiations can provide a path forward to self governance for Palestinians, with support from Jordan, and a demilitarized buffer zone in the north, enforced by Lebanon. I’ll return to the Capitol more convinced than ever that the National Security Supplemental approved by the Senate must be urgently passed by the House— providing vital aid to both Israel and Ukraine as well as humanitarian relief. We face a moment of monumental opportunity— we must seize it.”

In Israel, Blumenthal and Coons met with top Israeli government leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer, Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, and Leader of the Opposition Yair Lapid, and United States Ambassador Jacob Lew.

In Jordan, the senators met with King Abdullah II as well as Jordanian and U.S. military leaders and United States Ambassador Yael Lempert. The senators also held a roundtable with humanitarian leaders representing local and international NGOs.  

In Lebanon, the senators spoke with Lebanese government officials, including Prime Minister Najib Mikati, Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib, Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri, and Chief of Defense Joseph Aoun. They also met with the United States Marine Corps detachment and United States Ambassador Lisa Johnson.
