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Blumenthal to Governor of Puerto Rico: You Have My Full Support

In phone call to Governor Pierluisi, Blumenthal pledges immediate sustained relief in wake of Hurricane Fiona

[HARTFORD, CT] – Today, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) spoke with Puerto Rico Governor Pedro R. Pierluisi and pledged his full support for an immediate and sustained relief effort.

“I just got off the phone with Puerto Rico's Governor Pierluisi. Encouraged and energized by our conversation, I pledge my full support for an immediate sustained relief effort. He told me of peoples’ courage, strength, and grace in the face of suffering and loss—truly inspiring,” Sen. Blumenthal said. “Governor Pierluisi urged, and I agree, that long term reconstruction of the electric grid and other critical infrastructure must continue without delay. Water, food, and other necessities must be delivered right away, but long term resilience must be a priority. We must match the resolve and resilience of Puerto Rico’s people by covering 100% of the cost of rebuilding—not just patching the damage, but rebuilding to the highest and best standards. Our fellow Americans deserve no less.”
