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Blumenthal Statement on US Surpassing 200,000 Coronavirus Deaths

[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) released the following statement after Johns Hopkins University announced that more than 200,000 people have died from COVID-19 in the United States – the most of any nation in the world:

“My heart breaks for the 200,000 Americans – including nearly 4,500 from Connecticut – who have lost their lives to the coronavirus. But in my grief, I am also deeply angry and frustrated. These deaths could have been prevented.”

“President Trump and his administration have failed our country at crucial points of this pandemic, downplaying the dangers of the virus and refusing to heed scientific advice. President Trump’s cruel, reckless indifference cost lives.”

“More than six months into this pandemic, countless priorities to rebuild our country - improved national testing, enforceable health and safety standards, robust relief funding - are at a standstill in Mitch McConnell’s Senate.”

“I am prepared to consider any reasonable policies and plans that will help our fellow Americans through this health and economic crisis. Let’s do what the American people sent us to Washington to do and pass real relief.”
