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Blumenthal Statement On Unsafe, Unsanitary Conditions Identified At VA Hospital In West Haven

Blumenthal Will Meet With Hospital Administrators Friday

(Hartford, CT) – Today, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) issued a statement in response to an Inspector General’s report that identified unsafe and unsanitary conditions at the VA Hospital in West Haven. Blumenthal will meet with hospital administrators Friday.

“I am deeply concerned and troubled by this Inspector General's report, which I have reviewed.

 “The deficiencies revealed at this facility put veterans at real risk. These alarming failings in essential protections against infection and improper care are simply intolerable. Unsafe and unsanitary conditions at this hospital potentially exposed patients and staff to contagious disease through contamination from other patients and lack of complete cleaning of equipment  violating basic conditions of adequate care. Our veterans deserve nothing less than the best, world class medicine this nation has to offer  at the West Haven Hospital and every VA facility.

“As a member of the Veterans Affairs Committee, I will insist that these deficiencies be addressed  immediately and permanently. I will also demand that an aggressive, proactive verification and oversight program be implemented  a program that seems to be lacking in the report.

“My hope is that this situation is an aberration  an isolated instance of problematic care that fails to reflect the dedicated, able work of caregivers throughout the VA. But, clearly and urgently,  follow-up oversight and scrutiny are necessary. 

“I will be visiting the West Haven Hospital this Friday morning, asking for an update on progress in remedying these urgent issues.”