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Blumenthal Statement on Trump Veto Threat of NDAA

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) issued the following statement following President Donald Trump’s threat last night to veto the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which Congress expects to finalize in the coming days.

“This veto threat is deeply dangerous and just plain stupid. Although it may ultimately be an unserious sideshow, jeopardizing critical national security funding with half-baked bluster is ridiculous and reckless. If President Trump is just looking for an excuse to hold up reauthorization of our defense programs, I certainly hope my Republican colleagues in Congress refuse to go along with him. Reforming Section 230 deserves its own debate – one that I’ve helped lead in Congress, and which I look forward to continuing with a more serious, thoughtful administration in January.”
