[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Ranking Member Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) today released a statement on President Trump’s firing of at least 15 independent, non-partisan Inspector Generals last night, including the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Inspector General Mike Missal. Missal has served as VA Inspector General since April 2016.
“Purging the VA’s Inspector General puts veterans at risk of a surge in corruption and abuse of power. The Inspector General is the most important internal watchdog that protects veterans from waste and wrongdoing. Firing him and eliminating his independent oversight is a betrayal of trust as well as violation of law. Veterans deserve that VA be held accountable to meet the highest standards of efficiency and integrity in health care, benefits and all the services it provides—a mission the Inspector General has been essential to fill. This reckless, reprehensible firing should prompt bipartisan Congressional action to assure that a watchdog is safeguarding veterans’ rights.”
In 2022, Congress passed a law to increase removal protections for Inspector Generals. Under the law, the President is required to provide 30 days notice for the removal of an Inspector General and reasoning for the removal to Congress. The President failed to comply with this law by not providing notice or reasoning to Congress.