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Blumenthal Statement on the Women's Health Protection Act

Debate on the legislation was blocked by unanimous Republican opposition

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] –   U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), author and lead Senate sponsor of the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA), released the following statement after Senate Republicans blocked a procedural vote to proceed with debate on the bill:

“The Supreme Court is poised to strip women of the freedom to make their own healthcare decisions and put that power in the hands of the government – and so-called “liberty-loving” Republican Senators just gave them the go ahead. Let’s not forget for one minute what today’s vote means: Republicans are taking away women’s freedom to make choices about their own bodies.”

“I am disappointed in today’s vote, but I am undeterred – I will never stop fighting for abortion access, reproductive justice, and the right for every person to make their own decisions about their bodies and their healthcare. We’re going to take this issue back to the American people, and make them aware of the devastating even deadly consequences of the Supreme Court stripping away a woman’s control over her own body. We are not backing down or going way.”

Before today’s vote, Blumenthal visited Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, D.C. to share his support with physicians, nurses, and staff.

Today’s vote was scheduled in response to a draft majority opinion by the Supreme Court striking down Roe v. Wade, threatening fifty years of precedent protecting access to abortion. WHPA would guarantee equal access to abortion everywhere by overturning and halting medically unnecessary restrictions on abortion care that interfere with a patient’s individual choice or the provider-patient relationship. The legislation passed the House of Representatives 218-211 but unanimous opposition from Senate Republicans prevented it from moving forward today in the Senate.

Blumenthal spoke about the need for WHPA yesterday on the Senate Floor. The video of Blumenthal’s remarks is available here.
