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Blumenthal Statement on the Tragic Shooting in Dallas

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) released the following statement after at least five police officers in Dallas, Texas were shot and killed last night:

“The heart-wrenching tragedies over the past days test the legal fabric and moral resolve of our great nation‎. Coming together, we must lock arms and hearts as we seek healing and justice.‎ My heart goes out to the families of five courageous police officers who were killed last night and all who were injured. They were victims of brutal and unconscionable criminal attacks.‎ I am especially saddened that this heinous attack took place as these officers were selflessly protecting their fellow citizens’ ability to exercise a most fundamental right—the right to gather in peaceful protest.‎ With horrific repetition, gun violence continues to take lives—an evil we must root out.‎ I hope that even in the face of the tragedies, our communities continue to come together ‎to begin the difficult work of bringing wrongdoers to justice, healing, and moving forward.‎”
