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Blumenthal Statement on the Nomination of ExonnMobil CEO Rex Tillerson to be Secretary of State

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal released the following statement in response to President-elect Donald Trump’s nomination of ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson to be Secretary of State:

“This nomination has many serious negatives – Rex Tillerson’s close personal and financial relationship to Russian leaders, his conflicts of interest in ExxonMobil’s investments abroad, his anti-environmental positions, and his lack of diplomatic or public service experience,” Blumenthal said. “One of my major concerns is his leadership of ExxonMobil’s past efforts to derail the Iran Sanctions Act, just unanimously renewed again by Congress. His continuing commitment to the interests of his oil company and the oil industry could lead him to lessen necessary sanctions against Russia and other countries. Although I have reached no final conclusion, Tillerson will have a heavy burden of doubt to overcome in the hearings on his nomination – concerns that are strongly and widely held on both sides of the aisle.”
