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Blumenthal Statement on the Continuing Resolution

[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) released the following statement after voting against another Continuing Resolution:

“There is no excuse for Congress’ abject failure to meet our most basic obligations. Congress in effect is AWOL by delaying decision-making on our government’s budget, woefully underfunding CHIP, patching together meager spending for community health centers, and gutting the Prevention Fund. Lurching from crisis to near catastrophe is no way to govern and certainly no way to lead,” Blumenthal said.

“Most critically, I could not in good conscience support another short-term funding extension that does not include protections for Dreamers. I condemn Congressional Republicans for sentencing hundreds of thousands of young people to another holiday spent wondering if it will be the last one they are able to celebrate in the country they call home. Senator McConnell told Fox News earlier this week that ‘we have plenty of time’ to address the crisis President Trump manufactured when he terminated the DACA program. I dare Senator McConnell to look into the eyes of a Dreamer – who goes to sleep every night filled with anxiety about their future – and deliver that cruel message.”