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Blumenthal Statement on the Bipartisan Agreement to Help Prevent Gun Violence & Invest in Mental Health

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] –   Today, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) released the following statement on the text of a bipartisan agreement to help prevent gun violence and invest in mental health resources:  

“After thirty years, hundreds of thousands of gun deaths and dozens of failed pieces of gun safety legislation, we have finally taken one small step forward.”

“In Congress, if you wait for everything, you’ll get nothing. This deal is a significant, positive step forward that will save lives. It is not the measure I fought for or would have written if I were acting alone, but it marks meaningful progress.”

“For the first time ever, Congress will authorize significant resources to support Connecticut and other states that have red flag laws – addressing a real barrier to implementing them that I have heard from officials and advocates. We have substantially shrunk the boyfriend loophole – even if not closing it completely – separating guns from convicted abusers who are dating partners, not just spouses. I am proud that we will be channeling millions of dollars into Connecticut’s community violence intervention programs. I met with local gun violence prevention leaders in Hartford just yesterday and heard directly about how much this funding will make a difference on the ground. As a former federal prosecutor, I know how important the anti-trafficking and straw purchasing prohibitions will be to addressing the scourge of gun violence in Connecticut communities. Finally, a multi-billion dollar investment in healthcare resources is valuable on its own merits and necessary to combat the rising mental health crisis.”

“After three decades of Republican intransigence and near complete inaction on gun violence, this bipartisan negotiation is a positive breakthrough that builds a foundation for further progress in protecting the American people from deadly firearms.”
