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Blumenthal Statement on Supreme Court's Decision in Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) released the following statement today following the U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-3 decision today in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, the most comprehensive challenge to the Supreme Court’s historic ruling in Roe v. Wade in nearly a decade:

“This decision is a resounding, historic triumph for women across America and their families. It is the right result – morally and legally – ensuring that health care is accessible for countless women, no matter where they live. The right of privacy upheld here – protecting women against insidious interference by politicians in their personal lives – is fundamental to our constitutional fabric. I will continue the fight to make these rights real for women seeking health care by assuring adequate resources and other support. I thank the brave women and their able advocates who have enabled our courts to uphold the rule of law against politically motivated attacks.

Earlier this year, Blumenthal helped lead led a group of 163 Members of Congress in filing an amicus brief in the case.

Throughout his career, Blumenthal has fought vigorously to protect access to critical women's health services. Blumenthal introduced the Women’s Health Protection Act, a landmark piece of legislation intended to keep politicians out of personal health care decisions. The Women’s Health Protection Act creates federal protections against state restrictions – like the Texas law struck down by today’s decision – that fail to protect women’s health and intrude upon personal, medical decision-making. It promotes and protects a woman’s individual constitutional rights, no matter where she lives.
