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Blumenthal Statement on Senate Passage of Two-Week Government Funding Bill

[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) released the following statement after the Senate voted 81-14 to approve a two-week spending bill, one day before government funding is set to expire.

“I reluctantly voted to approve a short-term Continuing Resolution today only to avert the unnecessary, self-inflicted crisis of a government shutdown. Republicans’ failure to put forward a long-term funding measure is a masterclass in failed leadership. Now as they delay decision-making on funding our government, states across the country are preparing letters to CHIP families saying there is no money for their child’s health care. As they craft backroom deals in an attempt to pass their tax scam, hundreds of thousands of Dreamers are anxiously awaiting their fate. Failing to address these critical priorities is no way to run a country."