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Blumenthal Statement on Senate Passage of GOP Tax Scam

[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) released the statement below after voting against the Republican tax plan, which was approved by the Senate after midnight on a strictly party-line vote:

“A tax bill is a moral statement. This one betrays basic American values. It funds burgeoning tax breaks for the wealthiest one percent – who receive 83 percent of the bill’s benefits – by burdening our children with trillions in debt. Instead of helping families buy their first home, this bill gives breaks to millionaires purchasing their third mansion. Instead of helping American wage-earning workers, this bill benefits real estate tycoons and foreign shareholders. Instead of encouraging college student aid, this bill taxes higher education endowments used for scholarship funds and rewards the heirs of the wealthiest with no estate tax. Instead of enabling local governments to balance their books, this bill punishes their taxpayers for investing in their communities,” Blumenthal said.

“This tax bill is an abomination. Tonight, Congressional Republicans revealed their true selves: partisan zealots who care more about political promises to their wealthy donors than the lives of the people they are elected to represent. Shame on my Republican colleagues for their apparent disregard and disdain for the basic norms of governance.”