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Blumenthal Statement on Senate Commerce Committee Approval of Feinberg to Lead FRA

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, issued the following statement today after the Committee approved Sarah Feinberg’s nomination to be Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) by a vote of 19-1.

Sarah Feinberg has brought a fresh perspective and renewed vigor to safety issues since taking over the Federal Railroad Administration in an acting capacity. I urge the full Senate to follow the Commerce committee’s lead and confirm Ms. Feinberg to a permanent post so we can continue the long, arduous process of reforming and overhauling this beleaguered – but absolutely critical – agency. With dozens of outstanding safety recommendations and Congressional mandates still languishing, the need for real leadership is clear. It is imperative that Ms. Feinberg end the FRA’s old, stale way of doing business, crossing its fingers that railroads comply with the law, and instead adopt a new approach that relies on strong, aggressive enforcement practices, regardless of whether the industry likes it.


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