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Blumenthal Statement on Senate Approval of Legislation Protecting Free Speech in Online Reviews

Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) released the following statement today after the Senate passed the Consumer Review Freedom Act, bipartisan legislation he cosponsored to ensure free speech in online reviews. The bill follows reports of consumers being sued and threatened by companies and businesses for posting legitimate negative reviews.

From toys and tools to hotels and services, consumers nationwide are turning to online reviews to decide how and where to spend their money. Consumers have a right to expect that these reviews are honest, uncensored, and complete – not muzzled by insidious contract language buried in the fine print of contracts and invoices. The Consumer Freedom Review Act would end these anti-consumer clauses – a victory for free markets and free speech. Now that the Senate has acted, I urge the House to follow suit and pass this bill.”

As consumers increasingly rely on online reviews for all types of purchases from toys and household goods to hotels and even doctors, some retailers are sneaking “non-disparagement” clauses into contracts that allow them to exact harsh penalties on consumers for honest, negative reviews. In one case, a New York hotel threatened to penalize newlyweds $500 for every negative review posted by anyone attending their wedding. In another case, an online retailer demanded $3,500 and from a consumer who posted online – truth – that the company had failed to send a Christmas present she had ordered for her husband.


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