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Blumenthal Statement On Sandy Hook Promise Letter To U.S. Senators

(Hartford, CT) – Today, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) issued the following statement in response to the Sandy Hook Promise letter sent to U.S. Senators outlining the group's position on the gun violence prevention debate: 

“The Sandy Hook Promise letter – signed by more than 90 relatives of some of the victims of the Newtown tragedy – is a sobering reminder of why common sense federal laws to reduce gun violence are needed. I plan to spearhead an amendment on the floor of the Senate that would prohibit high-capacity magazines, one of the three priorities described in the letter. 

“As a member of the Judiciary Committee, I have already worked to secure committee passage of a bill that addresses the other two priorities in the letter: universal background checks and tougher penalties on gun trafficking and straw purchases. These are key components of a broader, comprehensive agenda to reduce gun violence.

“In the face of unspeakable pain, these families and others affected by the Newtown tragedy have worked tirelessly to ensure that no other communities experience the horror they’ve endured, and their courage should inspire Congress to act. I look forward to joining Sandy Hook Promise, Newtown Action Alliance, Mothers United Against Violence, Connecticut Against Gun Violence and my colleagues Senator Murphy and Congresswoman Esty tomorrow in issuing a united call for action.”

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