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Blumenthal Statement on Russian Involvement in Downing of MH17

Hartford, CT -- U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) today released the following statement on Russian involvement with the downing of MH17.

"President Putin must be compelled to pay and apologize -- pay the victims' families through a compensation fund, and apologize to them and the world for Russia's role in this horrific act of terrorism. 

"Clear and compelling evidence points to Putin and as effectively the pernicious perpetrator of this horrific air terrorist tragedy. He armed, encouraged and incited his Russian so-called rebel agents in Ukraine. He is supporting coverup and obstruction of a legitimate investigation.

"Stronger, stiffer sanctions must be applied quickly and dramatically against Russia in the wake of its aiding and abetting this massacre. Putin and those responsible for this atrocity must be held accountable.

"The Administration should be aggressively rallying European allies -- sending emissaries to every capital -- to join in energy and financial sanctions. Only joint sanctions involving the Europeans will hit the Russians where they live.

"Heightened aid to the Ukraine people is also urgently essential -- in equipment, intelligence, and other economic and non-lethal military assistance.

"The world community must take this horrific tragedy and a rallying cry for action -- Putin's Lockerbie -- and join to impose accountability."