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Blumenthal Statement on President Trump's Meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin

[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) released the following statement today following President Trump’s bilateral meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin:

“This meeting failed to send a forceful message that Russia will pay a price for interfering in our election and an even higher price if it repeats this crime,” said Blumenthal. “The unspecific, unenforceable understanding reached by President Putin and President Trump offers no real assurance Russia will cease interfering in our elections, democratic institutions, or other countries. 

“Strong and strict sanctions are necessary now to send a deterrent message. President Trump should forcefully and clearly support the sanctions bill, passed overwhelmingly by a 98-2 bipartisan vote. This measure is currently stalled in the House because of tacit resistance from the Trump Administration.

“Putin’s assurances of a partial Syrian ceasefire are meager at most. The effect of this step will be to consolidate and solidify Assad’s power, a result that follows Russia’s aiding and abetting the Assad regime in using chemical warfare and other war crimes and in inflaming the Syrian civil war. Russia’s past agreements to a ceasefire have been disingenuous and President Trump has failed to secure any guarantee of Russian compliance here.”