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Blumenthal Statement On President Obama’s State Of The Union Address

(Washington, DC) – Today, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) issued a statement following President Obama’s fourth State of the Union address:

"Tonight, the President issued a spurring and stirring call to action against gun violence in America, to prevent another tragedy like the one that befell Newtown. The President’s message was strongly reinforced by the presence of families of victims, first responders, and Newtown First Selectwoman Pat Llodra, who was my guest in the chamber.  I am unwavering in my commitment to fight for a ban on assault weapons and large-capacity clips, to crack down on illegal gun trafficking, and for background checks on gun and ammunition sales.

“The President presented a powerful blueprint for a strong jobs agenda, focusing on driving the economy and putting people back to work in America and Connecticut – at a time when economic growth has been too slow and fragile. Creating jobs is his job number one and also mine. The President also called on Congress to help him by avoiding crisis-induced legislation – particularly with regard to the dangerous defense sequester. I hope Congress heeds his call.

"In regards to immigration reform, the President's program of an earned path to citizenship, combined with stronger enforcement at the borders and a crackdown on employers who illegally hire undocumented workers, are absolutely essential and should be at the forefront of his agenda moving forward.

“I look forward to working with my colleagues on a bipartisan basis to keep this nation on a path toward progress.”


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