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Blumenthal Statement on President Biden's Proposal to Reform Supreme Court & Establish Enforceable Ethics Code

[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) released the following statement today on President Joe Biden’s proposal to reform the Supreme Court: 

“The Supreme Court faces a legitimacy crisis that has been deepened by repeated ethical lapses and self-inflicted wounds. To assure minimal democratic accountability, term limits and an enforceable code of ethics for Justices are ideas whose time has come.

“In the wake of politically craven decisions that have put lawbreaking presidents above the law and Justices’ shocking refusal to abide by common-sense, basic ethical standards, President Biden’s vision to make the Court more accountable to the American people is urgently needed to restore its credibility. Indeed, for Justices acting like politicians in robes—who think they’re answerable to no one in imposing a hard right political agenda—such reforms are overdue.”
