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Blumenthal Statement on Passage of Coast Guard Authorization Bill Allowing Federal Aid for New London Coast Guard Museum

(Hartford, CT) – Today, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) applauded Senate passage of the Coast Guard Authorization bill, a bipartisan measure that re-authorizes funding for critical Coast Guard missions and operations for another two years:

The Coast Guard has been critical to the safety and security of our nation for 225 years, and it is high time that the federal government do its part to advance and support the work that New London has done to build this important museum. This national museum in New London will respect and celebrate the Coast Guard’s years of achievement and service to our nation—an honor enjoyed by all other branches of our military. Enabling Coast Guard funding for the museum construction ensures that the federal government can rightfully be a full partner in its creation. I appreciate the hard work of Representative Courtney in achieving this language, and will continue to work jointly to ensure this language remains as House and Senate versions of this bill are reconciled. I look forward welcoming the world to New London when the museum finally opens its doors.

Blumenthal is a member of the Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction of Coast Guard issues, and he worked to secure language that allows the Coast Guard to invest more resources for the building of the National Coast Guard Museum in New London. Currently, the Coast Guard is limited in using federal funds to build the facility, and this has slowed the museum’s construction and hampered private fundraising efforts. The language Sen. Blumenthal helped secure – with the partnership of Representative Courtney and Senator Murphy – will help create equity amongst all of the other services, which are not encumbered by the same restrictions.
