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Blumenthal Statement On Omnibus Vote

(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) today released the following statement after voting against the omnibus appropriations bill.

“The spending bill fortunately keeps the government open and has a number of positive provisions, including some I helped to achieve. It includes increased funds to fight the Ebola epidemic, funding for the Combat Rescue Helicopter, $12 million in grants to fight sexual assault on college campuses, and allowances for advance mandatory funding for veterans benefits.

“Sadly, slipped into this measure at the last moment were massive special interest giveaways rolling back taxpayer protections against risky financial maneuvers by banks, reversing transportation safety rules, undercutting pension rights, and opening huge loopholes for billionaires to increase their influence on political campaigns and candidates. That is why I voted against this flawed measure - poisoned by special favors flagrantly contrary to the public interest. 

“Such provisions are unwise, unfair and unacceptable, snuck into the bill without debate or public scrutiny. 

“I object to packing such poison pills into a critical bill designed to keep our government functioning.”