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Blumenthal Statement on New U.S. Defense Strategy

(Hartford, CT) – Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) released the following statement in response to the strategic guidance on military strategy offered by Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta today:

This broad strategic statement sets forth principles that should support weapons and defense products made in Connecticut, although there will be challenges ahead in tough fiscal times. Emphasis on undersea warfare strongly buttresses building two Virginia-class submarines every year in Groton. The importance of collaborating with allies, also a repeated theme, argues for continued development and production of the Joint Strike Fighter, a weapons system shared by our Armed Services and friends abroad. As challenges may arise in budget specifics, I will continue to be relentless and resourceful, working with our congressional delegation, to fight for Connecticut defense products so vital to our national security. We can be proud that Connecticut makes weapons systems critical to intelligence, counterterrorism, undersea warfare, and other defense priorities rightly advocated by the President. My hope is that even greater priority will be given to the challenges of cyber warfare where the grave and urgent dangers to America are readily apparent to me as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Finally, I strongly share the President’s belief that we must keep faith with our troops, our veterans, and their families – most especially our wounded warriors returning from the fight abroad. Our nation’s moral obligation clearly is to assure that we leave no veteran behind in healthcare, job opportunities, and services they deeply deserve and need.” 

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