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Blumenthal Statement on New Trump Administration Attack on Women's Health

[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) released the statement below following the Trump administration’s announcement that is making it easier for states to limit access to Medicaid for healthcare providers, including Planned Parenthood, based on the services they provide. This week, the Trump Administration also announced action that would allow healthcare providers to discriminate against patients based on their own, personal religious beliefs.

“Today’s action invites states to violate longstanding federal law that protects patients and allows them to seek care from the provider of their choice. Do not be confused by false claims that this attack on women’s health is about “flexibility.” This is a nothing more than a thinly veiled, partisan assault on women and their families who seek care at Planned Parenthood and other women’s health providers,” Blumenthal said.

“Disturbingly, today’s announcement comes on the heels of a separate attempt to allow providers to discriminate against patients in need of medical care for merely ideological reasons. These efforts are a slap in the face to millions of American women and their families. The Trump Administration is at overwhelming odds with the American public, and yet continues its disgraceful assault on women’s health. Almost exactly one year ago, millions of Americans walked in the streets during the Women’s March in support of our shared values, including access to safe, affordable and basic health care services. We stood together then, and we stand together now in opposition to this disgraceful assault on our constitutional rights.”