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Blumenthal Statement On New GM Ignition Switch Documents

(Hartford, CT) – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) today released the following statement after newly-disclosed documents seem to show that General Motors (GM) placed an order for 500,000 ignition switches on December 18, 2013 – two months before notifying the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and consumers about dangers related to operating vehicles with the defective part.

“These documents raise deeply disturbing questions about the validity of the Valukas report, as well as the timeline of GM’s effort to protect its car owners. The question is why the delay and how many lives were put at risk since GM waited at least two months before issuing a recall even though it had already decided to order parts. GM CEO Mary Barra should be called to testify before the appropriate Congressional committees to answer these questions and explain GM’s delay in notifying drivers and federal regulators.”