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Blumenthal Statement on Metro-North Implementation of Confidential Close Call Reporting System

(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) released the following statement today regarding Metro-North’s announcement that it has implemented a confidential close call reporting system. The system will allow workers to swiftly and confidentially report potential safety hazards or breaches of procedures. 

“I am pleased that Metro-North has finally adopted a system-wide confidential close call reporting system—a crucial, critical reform that I have called for loudly and consistently for years. It is imperative that Metro-North employees have a mechanism to confidentially and swiftly report safety problems without fear of agency reprisal. Vigorous oversight is now needed to ensure that Metro-North treats these reports with the seriousness and urgency that they deserve. I will continue my efforts to ensure that this common sense means of keeping passengers safe is deployed at all railroads nationwide,” Blumenthal said.


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