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Blumenthal Statement on Indictment of Alex Van Der Zwaan

[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) released the following statement in response to new charges filed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller against Alex Van Der Zwaan, a lawyer who has previously worked with Trump Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort and campaign aide Rick Gates: 

“If you lie, if you destroy evidence, you will be caught and you will be held accountable. Special Counsel Mueller is proceeding meticulously and methodically, pursuing a long-term strategy of increasing pressure on key witnesses. This indictment sends a signal to both Paul Manafort and Rick Gates: cooperate or risk greater trouble in the future. The unmistakable message is that the Special Counsel is making steady, solid progress despite the deceptive attacks by Trump sycophants seeking to derail or discredit his investigation,” Blumenthal said.