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Blumenthal Statement On His Vote In Support of the National Labor Relations Board’s Efforts To Modernize Rules Governing Union Representation

(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) today released the following statement after voting against legislation that would gut a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) rule designed to modernize the process workers use to organize. Blumenthal last night spoke on the Senate floor concerning his opposition to S.J. Res 8: 

“I am disappointed that the Senate voted today to advance a misguided measure that would gut critical worker protections and roll back the opportunity for men and women across Connecticut and the country to exercise their collective bargaining rights. History tells us that when workers thrive, we all thrive. The NLRB recognized this fact when it released a new rule that ensures employers respect workers’ right to organize. The new rule would impose many common sense reforms: cutting down on lengthy litigation, modernizing the election process, streamlining procedures, and bringing certainty and predictability to a cumbersome and inefficient process. The resolution approved today not only guts these reforms but denies critical benefits to both workers and businesses alike.”