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Blumenthal Statement On GM Decision To Halt Sales Of Chevrolet Cruzes

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) issued the following statement today regarding GM’s decision to halt sales of certain Chevrolet Cruzes:

“I call on GM to immediately inform Cruze drivers of the specific reason – likely safety -related – that prompted the company to stop sales. Talk truth to your customers, who put their faith in your products. A failure to tell car drivers of any safety defect would be unconscionable – putting them at needless risk. Stopping sales without revealing the reason is incomprehensible and reflects a continuing practice of concealment, and avoidance of accountability. Concealing safety defects, as GM should know by now, only causes more damage and death. Particularly after its lengthy, tragic, inexcusable failure to disclose dangerously faulty ignition switches, GM should do the right thing – now,” Blumenthal said.