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Blumenthal Statement On FCC Net Neutrality Vote

(Washington, DC) – Today, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) issued the following statement after the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to open a proceeding considering new net neutrality rules, launching what is expected to be a long comment period. After the comment period, the commission will vote on final rules.

“As the Commission considers the best way forward to protect the success of the open Internet, I will fight to make sure they place the interests of consumers and Internet users first. The Internet has become an invaluable platform empowering consumer choice and rewarding disruptive innovators and entrepreneurs – its opportunity must not be limited to those companies that can afford high-priced lobbyists in Washington. Pay-to-play arrangements cannot be permitted to fundamentally disrupt the dynamic that has made the Internet so successful – an even playing field open to all competitors, speakers, artists, and innovators. Consumers, not a company and not the government, must continue to determine the winners and losers on the Internet.”