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Blumenthal Statement on Department of Education Rollback of Crucial Campus Sexual Assault Regulation

[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) issued the following statement in response to U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’s announcement instructing the Department of Education to rewrite guidance requiring educational institutions to combat sexual assault and harassment under Title IX.

“This administration continues to be stunningly insensitive and indifferent to the pervasive issue of campus sexual assault,” said Blumenthal. “Today, I am deeply concerned the administration is setting in motion a process to systematically undermine critical protections for students under Title IX, by altering the guidance set forth in the 2011 Dear Colleague letter by the Department of Education. Secretary DeVos needs to put victims first, by weighing the stories, advice, and experiences of assault survivors and advocates. Any approach that does not take into account the voices of those who have lived this issue firsthand is a slap in the face to survivors, students, educators, and parents.”