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Blumenthal Statement on Democratic Response to the Nunes Memo

[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) released the following statement today:

“This document – originally hidden from the American people by President Trump – thoroughly rebuts the incomplete picture painted by the Nunes Memo. It is no surprise that the White House originally placed a gag on making these facts public while allowing the release of the Nunes Memo’s cherry-picked narrative. The memo released today provides bombshell revelations about the extent to which the White House and its lackeys are willing to go to smear the Special Counsel’s probe and the FBI, and thoroughly debunks the allegation that the Russia investigation was borne of political motivations or wrongdoing. Today is a good day for transparency – and an alarming reminder that the Trump White House is willing to engage in obstruction of justice in real time,” Blumenthal said.