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Blumenthal Statement On Bipartisan Deal Reached To Reopen Government, Increase Debt Ceiling

(Washington, DC) – Today, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) issued the following statement on the bipartisan deal reached  in Congress to reopen the government and increase the debt ceiling. The deal is poised to pass the House and Senate as early as today. 

“Although there is no cause for celebration, I am relieved that that this bipartisan agreement means our nation will avoid default and continue paying our bills. Simply and bluntly, this point should never have been reached. The past weeks of dysfunction have damaged America and must not happen again. In the months ahead before the next deadlines for default and shutdown, Congress must come together in bipartisan collaboration to adopt a commonsense budget that makes smart cuts in spending and raises revenue. I’ll do everything possible to work with my colleagues to make sure budget brinksmanship and political gamesmanship are halted.

“Now we must concentrate on meeting the needs of veterans whose benefits and disability claims were threatened, Head Start children whose classes were interrupted, seniors whose nutrition assistance was impeded, homebuyers and sellers whose lives were in limbo, and job-creating businesses whose plans and economic contributions have been halted during this unwise shutdown.

“Unquestionably, America has been harmed at home and abroad by this tragic, unnecessary, self-inflicted wound. Now Congress must turn the corner, roll up our sleeves, get back to business and address the challenges so huge and urgent that face the country. For now, we must forego focusing on recriminations, as we seek common ground.”