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Blumenthal Statement In Response To Supreme Court Ruling On Affordable Care Act

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) released the following statement in response to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act:

The Supreme Court’s decision preserves vital patient protection rights and ensures access to more affordable, quality health care for millions of middle class families. 

The Court put the letter of the law above politics. People will be protected against abuses like losing insurance when they get sick, or being denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition, and 23,000 young people in Connecticut and millions of other young people across the nation will continue to be covered on their parents' policies until age 26.

Now the fight continues to preserve and expand these vital patient protections against an ongoing assault. Access to affordable, quality health coverage is a basic right; we cannot turn back the clock. We need to work together – Republicans and Democrats – to bring down costs of health care and move forward to make other improvements that build on the work that the Affordable Care Act began.  

Connecticut is a clear winner –  already, Connecticut has received tens of millions of dollars from the federal government to cover families on Medicaid, funds to combat fraud and waste, and grants to scrutinize unreasonable premiums. The decision also preserves the more than $44 million received by seniors to help with rising prescription drug costs, and the $45 million received by Connecticut's community health centers to expand and modernize services. 

Now that this legal issue is settled, our focus must be on jobs and our nation's economic security.
