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Blumenthal Presses FBI Director Nominee Wray on Commitment to Agency's Independence and Integrity

Blumenthal: “I foresee a firestorm brewing that will threaten the FBI, and I’m going to support you because I do believe you will provide the kind of independence and integrity that the FBI needs, based on your record, and your experience and expertise.”

[WASHINGTON, DC] – Today in a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing to consider the nomination of Christopher Wray for Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) pressed Wray on his commitment to keeping the nation’s top law enforcement agency immune from political interference. Wray has been nominated to replace James Comey, who was fired by President Donald Trump earlier this year in the midst of an ongoing FBI investigation into the Trump Administration’s contacts with Russian officials.

“If you foresee a threat to that independence and integrity that rises to the level of political interference will you commit to taking appropriate action which may include resigning from office?” Blumenthal asked.

“Yes, Senator,” Wray responded. “As we discussed when we met, one of the lessons I got from both former Attorney General Griffin Bell and former Deputy Attorney General Jerry Thompson, is that you cannot take on a position like this without resolving in advance that you have to be willing to quit or be fired at a moment’s notice in order to stand up for what you think is right, and that would be my commitment, to stand firm to that maxim.”

“And you also told me you would try to persuade whoever might be taking an inappropriate or illegal action, whether it’s the President of the United States or anyone else, endeavor to persuade that official to change course,” Blumenthal followed. “Is that correct?”

“That’s correct, Senator. My whole career, both public and private, has consisted of an awful lot of times telling people things they don’t want to hear, and talking people out of bad ideas,” said Wray.

During the hearing, Blumenthal also questioned Wray on whether he would support commonsense measures to stop gun violence. Wray responded, “I do support efforts to deal with gun violence aggressively and effectively…I can commit to you that being tough on gun violence is something I would want to be as Director of the FBI.”  

Video of Blumenthal’s questioning is available for download here.