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Blumenthal, Murphy Statement on State Law Keeping Guns Out of the Hands of Domestic Abusers

[HARTFORD, CT] – U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) issued the following statements on the Connecticut state law going into effect tomorrow, October 1, that would require individuals to give up their guns and ammunition if a temporary restraining order is granted against them:

“Our state is at the forefront of national efforts to break the deadly link between domestic violence and guns. A national law is needed because abusers travel across state lines to purchase lethal weapons. When domestic abusers are most dangerous, federal laws are weakest,” Blumenthal said. “The Lori Jackson Domestic Violence Survivor Act, which I authored, would prevent individuals nationwide from purchasing or possessing a firearm while subject to a temporary restraining order. In Lori’s name, and for victims and their families nationwide, I will continue to fight for this commonsense measure to keep deadly weapons out of the hands of violent domestic abusers.”

“Once again, Connecticut is leading the country with common sense gun laws. Now, victims who are at their most vulnerable point can have peace of mind knowing their abusers can’t have a gun. But Connecticut residents aren’t completely safe until Connecticut’s law becomes the law of the land nationwide,” Murphy said. “That’s why I’m working with Senator Blumenthal to pass the federal Lori Jackson Domestic Survivor Protection Act. I challenge any of my colleagues in Congress to look their constituents in the eye and tell them that a domestic abuser under a court-ordered temporary restraining order should be allowed to have a gun.”

The Lori Jackson Domestic Violence Survivor Protection Act, introduced by Blumenthal and co-sponsored by Murphy, would protect domestic violence survivors from gun violence by preventing an individual subject to a temporary restraining order from purchasing or possessing a firearm for the duration of the order. The bill was named after Lori Jackson, a Connecticut resident who was shot and killed by her husband after obtaining a temporary restraining order against him.
